乔亚宁,山东青岛人,滚球自动投注 工程管理研究所所长、副教授、研究生导师,中国民主促进会会员,江苏省徐州市泉山区政协委员,江苏省高层次创新创业人才引进计划“双创博士”,荷兰四大理工大学联盟(4TU)“韧性学者”,世界银行特聘顾问,美国弗吉尼亚理工大学访问学者。主要从事基础设施韧性与可持续发展领域研究。曾主持或参与世界银行、美国联邦公路管理局(FHWA)、英国茂特(莫特麦克唐纳)(MottMacDonald)和瑞典交通管理局(Trafikverket)的多项科研项目。在美国、英国、挪威等地举办的数十种重要国际会议和研讨会上做大会报告。曾参加英国HighwaysEngland道路养护设计方案制订及英国物利浦LowMoor火车站停车场路面设计。有良好的社会关系和国际合作,可为本科生、研究生推荐工作和出国深造的机会。
2011-2015:博士,英国诺丁汉大学(Universityof Nottingham, UK)
2008-2010:硕士,瑞典查尔姆斯理工大学(Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
2019-今:副教授、硕士生导师、所长,滚球自动投注 工程管理研究所
2016-2018:研究科学家,美国新罕布什尔大学(University of New Hampshire, USA)
2015-2016:道路工程师,英国茂特(莫特麦克唐纳)(Mott MacDonald, UK)
2012-2013:访问学者,美国弗吉尼亚理工大学交通运输研究中心(Virginia Tech, USA)
2010:助理研究员,瑞典交通管理局(Trafikverket, Sweden)
1) Yaning Qiao#, Yaxin Wang, Ning Jin, Shuyue Zhang, Filippo Giustozzi, Tao Ma#, 2023. Assessing flood risk to urban road users based on rainfall scenario simulations, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 123(103919).
2) Yaning Qiao#, Shuyue Zhang, Yaxin Wang, Andrew Dawson, Cameron Wake, Tao Ma#, 2023. Simulating floodwater movement in pavements for developing post-flooding time-depth-damage functions, Construction and Building Materials, 396(8), 132408.
3) Yaning Qiao, Shuyue Zhang, Yaru Guo, Yaxin Wang, Joao Santos, Anne Stoner, Andrew Dawson, Tao Ma#, 2023. Assessing the effects of unit cost uncertainty on flexible road pavement economics under the influence of climate change, Journal of Cleaner Production, 414(4):137597.
4) Yaning Qiao, Yikai Weng, Xiaobo Shi, Zongyou Zhu, Changyun Li, Xumiao Zhang, Jiankun Liu, 2023. Fault tree analysis for subway fire evacuation with agent-based modeling, Journal of Infrastructure Preservation and Resilience, 4(7), 1-12.
5) Yaning Qiao, Zhiyue Wang, Fanran Meng#, Tony Parry, Jonathan Cullen, Shu Liu, 2022. Evaluating the economic and environmental impacts of road pavement using an integrated local sensitivity model. Journal of Cleaner Production. Volume 371, 15, 133615.
6) Yaning Qiao, Yaru Guo, Joao Santos#, Anne Stoner, 2022. Impacts of future climate change on flexible road pavement economics: A life cycle costs analysis of 24 case studies across the United States, Sustainable Cities and Society, 103773.
7) Yaning Qiao, Xiaobo Shi#, Jia Ren, Wanying Liu, Fang Shen, Jiayan Chen, Alex Opoku, Synergetic Order Parameter Identification of Prefabricated Building Projects Based on Main Theme Analysis, 2022, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13369-021-06463-0.
8) Narges Matini, Yaning Qiao#, Jo E. Sias, 2022. Development of Time-Depth-Damage Functions for Flooded Flexible Pavements, ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part B: Pavement, 148(2). 04022011.
9) Yaning Qiao, Yang Zhang#, Yuefeng Zhu#, Trent Lemkus, Anne Stoner, Jizhe Zhang, Yuanlong Cui. 2020. Assessing impacts of climate change on flexible pavement service life based on Falling Weight Deflectometer measurements. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 102908.
10) Yaning Qiao, Eshan Dave, Tony Parry, Omar Valle, Lingyun Mi, Guodong Ni, Zhenmin Yuan, and Yuefeng Zhu#, 2019. Life Cycle Costs Analysis of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) Under Future Climate. Sustainability 2019, 11(19), 5414; https://doi.org/10.3390/su11195414. (SCI)
11) Yaning Qiao, Joao Santos#, Anne Stoner, Gerardo Flintsch, 2019. Climate Change Impacts on Asphalt Road Pavement Construction and Maintenance: An Economic Life Cycle Assessment of Adaptation Measures in the State of Virginia, U.S. Journal of Industrial Ecology. DOI: 10.111/jec.12936.
12) Yaning Qiao#, Andrew Dawson, Tony Parry, Gerardo Flintsch. 2019. Life Cycle Cost of Flexible Pavements and Climate Variability: Case Studies from Virginia. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 15(12), 1-17.
13) Yaning Qiao, Andrew Dawson, Tony Parry, Gerardo Flintsch, Wenshun Wang#. 2020. Flexible Pavements and Climate Change: A Comprehensive Review and Implications. Sustainability 12 (3), 1057.
14) Yaning Qiao#, Ricardo Medina, Leslie McCarthy, Rajib Mallick, Jo Daniel, 2017. Decision-Tree for Post-Flooding Roadway Operations, Transportation Research Record, 2604, 120-130.
15) Yaning Qiao#, Andrew R. Dawson, Tony Parry, Gerardo Flintsch, 2016. Immediate Effects of Some Corrective Maintenance Interventions on Flexible Pavements, International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 19(6), 502-508.
16) Yaning Qiao#, Andrew R. Dawson, Tony Parry, Gerardo Flintsch, 2015. Evaluating the Effects of Climate Change on Road Maintenance Intervention Strategies and Life-Cycle Costs. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 41, 492–503.
17) Yaning Qiao#, Andrew Dawson, Anders Huvstig, Leena Korkiala-Tanttu, 2014. Calculating Rutting of Some Thin Flexible Pavements from Repeated Load Triaxial Test Data. International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 16(6), 1-10.
18) Yaning Qiao#, Gerardo Flintsch, Andrew Dawson, Tony Parry, 2013. Examining Effects of Climatic Factors on Flexible Pavement Performance and Service Life. Transportation Research Record, 2349, 100-107.
19) Wenshun Wang, Shulei Gao, Lingyun Mi, Jinwen Xing, Ke Shang, Yaning Qiao#, Yuting Fu, Guodong Ni, Na Xu, 2021. Exploring the Adoption of BIM amidst the COVID-19 Crisis in China, Building Research & Information, DOI:10.1080/09613218.2021.1921565.
20) Lingyun Mi#, Lijie Qiao, Ting Xu, Xiaoli Gan, Hang Yang, Jingjing Zhao, Yaning Qiao#, Jiaxin Hou, 2020. Promoting sustainable development: the impact of differences in cultural values on residents' pro-environmental behaviors, Sustainable Development (WILEY), DOI:10.1002/sd.2103.
3)英国皇家学会国合项目,IEC/NSFC/211395,Multi-scale simulation of the interaction between climate change and road asphalt concrete material recycling system,(合作高校:剑桥大学),2022至2024,项目负责人(Co-PI)
1) 2024年2月5日,受英国剑桥大学邀请,作特邀学术报告“Climate change and road infrastructure”,英国剑桥。
2) 2023年7月16日,受同济大学邀请,在第23届COTA国际交通科技年会(CICTP 2023)作特邀学术报告“第23届COTA国际交通科技年会(CICTP 2023)”,北京市。
3) 2023年6月3日,在Chinese-European Workshop (CEW) on Functional Pavement作学术报告“Identifying critical factors causing urban road flooding using sensitivity analysis”,英国伯明翰。
4) 2022年12月15日,受比利时安特卫普大学邀请,在5th ASPHALT INNOVATION SYMPOSIUM作特邀学术报告“Quantifying Flexible Pavement Damage after Flooding due to Loss of Stiffness: Framework for Developing Time-Depth-Damage Functions”,比利时(线上)。
5) 2022年5月22日,在江苏省土木建筑学会学术论坛上作特邀报告“某钢企业实现碳中和技术路线图的制定及策略优化”,江苏省苏州市(线上)。
6) 2021年6月19日,在江苏省土木建筑学会学术论坛上作特邀报告“基础设施的气候韧性与可持续发展性:以道路为例”,江苏省盐城市。
7) 2020年12月20日,在江苏省土木建筑学会学术论坛上作特邀报告“莫桑比克洪水导致桥梁垮塌风险评估”,江苏省扬州市。
8) 2019年11月,受荷兰特文特大学邀请,作特邀报告“Resilience of Civil Infrastructure”,荷兰恩斯赫德。
10)2018年2月受美国加州大学戴维斯分校邀请,作特邀报告“Climate Resilience of Road Infrastructure”,美国加州萨克拉门托。
11)2018年6月18日,在巴西圣保罗举办的Industry Workshop - RILEM Technical Committee on Asphalt Pavement Recycling(TC264 RAP)作特邀报告“Economic and Environmental Benefits of Cold Recycling”(线上)。
12) 2017年11月受长安大学邀请,在陕西省丝绸之路青年学者论坛暨长安大学青年长安学者论坛上作特邀报告“Pavement Climate Resiliency and Sustainability”,陕西西安。
1)2024年,国际会议International Society for Asphalt Pavements(ISAP2024)技术委员会委员,加拿大蒙特利尔。
2)2021年-今,SpringerNature期刊Journal of Infrastructure Preservation & Resilience青年编委会委员。
3)2021年-2022,Sustainability期刊"Sustainable Pavement Maintenance Management"特刊副主编:https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sustainability/special_issues/Sustainable_Pavement_Maintenance。
4) 2021年-今,ScienceDirect期刊Journal of Road Engineering,青年编委会委员。
5) 2020年RILEM沥青材料国际会议技术委员会委员,法国里昂。
6) 2020年第五届中欧功能性路面设计研讨会(CEW2020)学术委员会委员,中国南京。
7) 2020年美国National University Transportation Consortium(UTC)项目基金特邀评审员。
8) 2018年,世界道路生命周期评估网络研讨会主持人(co-chair:https://space.bilibili.com/612864623/channel/seriesdetail?sid=3522951)。
10)《Journal of Cleaner Production》、《Construction and Building Materials》、《Transportation Research Record》、《Road Material and Pavement Design》、《International Journal of Pavement Engineering》、《StructureandInfrastructureEngineering》、《JournalofTesting and Evaluation》、《ICE Transport》、《International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology》、《JournalofInfrastructure Preservation and Resilience》等高水平期刊审稿人。
1)Qiao, Y., 2024. Climate change, the built environment, and the sustainable development goals. In The Elgar Companion to the Built Environment and the Sustainable Development Goals (pp. 315-329). Edward Elgar Publishing.
2)Opoku, A., Guthrie, P., Qiao, Y., Yahia, M.W. and Opoku-Ntim, K., 2024. The role of infrastructure in achieving the sustainable development goals in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). In The Elgar Companion to the Built Environment and the Sustainable Development Goals (pp. 404-419). Edward Elgar Publishing.
1)国家发明专利:“一种模拟复杂雨洪条件下的基础设施内部湿度场监测实验系统”,专利号ZL 2022 1 1024943.9,2023年.
1)LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yaningqiao/
2) Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=gxVZszAAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao
3) ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Yaning_Qiao?ev=prf_highl
6) https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E4%B9%94%E4%BA%9A%E5%AE%81/49828814
Dr. Yaning Qiao is an associate professor and director at the Institute of Engineering Management (IEM), School of Mechanics and Civil Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology (CUMT). He received his Ph.D. degree from Nottingham Transportation Engineering Center (NTEC), University of Nottingham in 2015. He has had nearly 10 years’ research and practical experience in resilient and sustainable civil infrastructure.Hisresearch interests include impacts of climate change on pavement systems, flooded pavementmodeling, risk-based decision-making, agent-based evacuation modeling, life-cycle cost analysis, and environmental life cycle assessment.
机会和合作(Opportunities and Collaboration)
Institute of Engineering Management (IEM) of China University of Mining and Technology has openings at all levels of faculty positions. Welcome to contact us for any information.
Dr. Yaning Qiaoalsorecruits full time Master of Science (MSc) degree candidates in broad areas of advanced civil engineering management methods, including resilience and sustainability assessment, Building Information Modeling (BIM), artificial intelligence and any other related topics.