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陈培见,男,198610月生,山东泰安人,教授/博士生导师,国家优秀青年科学基金获得者,哈佛大学访问学者。主要从事接触力学、表界面力学研究,近年来已公开发表学术论文80余篇,包括JMPSIJSSIJMSMMEFMEML等国际力学权威期刊,授权专利20余项。担任中国矿业大学校学术委员会委员江苏省力学学会计算力学专委会和实验力学分委会副主任委员、江苏省振动工程学会理事、科技部项目评审专家等,担任《力学学报》和《力学与实践》青年编委、国际期刊《Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering - Tribology》评审编委、SCI杂志《CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences》、《Coatings》等期刊客座编辑,兼任多个国际期刊审稿人。



2008-2013中国科学院力学研究所固体力学 博士

2004-2008山东大学工程力学 学士


2020/01-至今中国矿业大学 力学与土木工程学院教授(破格)

2016/01-2019/12中国矿业大学 力学与土木工程学院副教授

2018/03-2019/03哈佛大学约翰·保尔森工程与应用科学学院访问学者2013/07-2015/12中国矿业大学 力学与建筑工程学院讲师



















1)Li, D.,Chen, P.*, Liu, H., Peng, Z., Guler, M. A., Chen, S*. The interfacial behavior of an axisymmetric film bonded to a graded inhomogeneous substrate.Mechanics of Materials2024. 193, 104983.

2)Wu, Y.,Chen, P.*,Liu, J., Zheng, H. Buckling behavior of soft spherical shells with patterned surface under indentation.International Journal of Mechanical Sciences2024. 270, 109113.

3)Lou, L.,Chen, P.*, Peng, J., Zhu, J., Liu, G. On the transport behavior of shale gas in nanochannels with fractal roughness.Physics of Fluids2024. 36, 022014.

4)Zhang, Z.,Chen, P.*, Peng, J., Yang, W., Zhao, Y., Li, S.*,Gao, F. Accurate measurement of mechanical properties of soft materials by introducing transition layers into test samples.Engineering Fracture Mechanics2024. 297, 109896.

5)Gao, Q., Liu, H.*,Chen, P.Investigation of elevated temperature microstructural stability and tribological behavior of MoxNbTiZr refractory high-entropy alloy coatings optimized by Mo-doping.Tribology International2024. 194, 109544.

6)Li, D.,Chen, P.*, Huang, Z., Liu, H., Chen, S.* The interfacial behavior of a thermoelectric thin-film bonded to an orthotropic substrate.International Journal of Solids and Structures2023. 267, 112160.

7)Wang, Z., Liu, J.,Chen, P., Suo, Z. Osmotic instability in soft materials under well-controlled triaxial stress.Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids2023. 172: 105195.

8)Guo W.,Chen P.,* Liu H., Peng G., Zhu J., Wu Y., Interfacial behavior of thin film bonded to plastically graded substrate under tensile loading.European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids2023. 97, 104818.

9)Zhou X.,Chen P.*, Xu R.*, Zhang C., Zhang J., Interfacial friction of vdW heterostructures affected by in-plane strain.Nanotechnology2023,34, 015708.

10)Zheng H.,Chen P.*, Zhao H., Liu H., Zhang Y., Bending instability of island-bridge structures.Journal of Applied Physics2022,132, 155301.

11)Sun, Y., Dou, G., Wu, K.,Chen, P., Zhang, T.,Peng, G. Maximum prime vertical strain criterion to predict rupture of core-shell microspheres.International Journal of Mechanical Sciences2022. 108053.

12)Lou L.,Chen P.*, Xiang C., Peng J., Zhang S. Measuring cohesive energy of van der Waals heterostructures by nanoparticle intercalation method.Mechanics of Materials2022. 166, 104243.

13)Liu, H.*, Gao, Q., Dai, J.,Chen, P.*, Gao, W., Hao, J., and Yang, H. Microstructure and high-temperature wear behavior of CoCrFeNiWx high-entropy alloy coatings fabricated by laser cladding.Tribology International2022. 107574 .

14)Zheng, H.,Chen, P.*, Liu, H., Zhang Y.*, Peng, J. Wrinkling behavior of variable thickness films bonded to elastic substrates.Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structure2021,1-13.

15)Han, Y.,Chen, P.*,Zhu, J.*, Liu, H., Zhang, Y. Mechanical behavior of single layer MoS2 sheets with aligned defects under uniaxial tension.Journal of Applied Physics2021.130, 124302.

16)Zhu, J.#,Chen, P.#, Huang, H. Zhang, G., Hao, F. Li, K. Direct experimental evidence for the non-linear elasticity of multi-functional alloy Ti2448.Composites Communications2021. 24, 100672.

17)Zheng, H.,Chen, P.*, Chen Z.*Cold atmospheric plasma induced skin wrinkle.EPL (Europhysics letters)2021.133, 15001.

18)Li, Y.,Chen, P.*, Liu, H., Peng, J., Luo, N. The buckling behavior of single-layer MoS2 sheets on silica substrates.Journal of Applied Physics2021.129,014302.

19)Han, Y.,Chen, P.*, Zhang, C.*, Dong, J., Liu, H. The buckling behavior of single-layer MoS2 sheets with kirigami-inspired structures under compression.Computational Materials Science2021. 110188.

20)Lou L.,Chen P.*, Wang Z., Zhang S., Gao F. Cohesive energy measurement of van der Waals heterostructures by the shaft loaded blister test.Extreme Mechanics Letters2020. 41, 100987.

21)Chen, P.*, Li, Y., Peng, J., Gao, F., Li, Z. An inspired nanoscale system to evaluate interfacial behavior of layered structures.Computational Materials Science2020. 182, 109793.

22)Mu, R., Yang, J., Wang, Y., Wang, Z.,Chen, P., Sheng, H., Suo, Z. Polymer-filled macroporous hydrogel for low friction.Extreme Mechanics Letters2020. 38, 100742.

23)Liu, H., Liu, J., Li, X.,Chen, P., Yang, H., Hao, J. Effect of heat treatment on phase stability and wear behavior of laser clad AlCoCrFeNiTi0.8 high-entropy alloy coatings.Surface and Coatings Technology2020, 125758.

24)Guo, W.,Chen, P.*,Liu, H., Yang, Y., Peng, G., Chen, Z. On the strength and interfacial properties of square wave joints with defects and mismatches.The Journal of Adhesion2020. 1-23.

25)Guo, W.,Chen, P.*, Yu, L., Peng, G., Zhao, Y., Gao, F. Numerical analysis of the strength and interfacial behaviour of adhesively bonded joints with varying bondline thicknesses.International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2020.98, 102553.

26)Chen, P., Chen, S., Liu, H., Peng, J., Gao, F. The interface behavior of multiple piezoelectric films attaching to a finite-thickness gradient substrate.Journal of Applied Mechanics–Transactions of the ASME2020. 87, 011003.

27)Chen, P., Peng, J., Chen, Z., Peng, G. On the interfacial behavior of a piezoelectric actuator bonded to a homogeneous half plane with an arbitrarily varying graded coating.Engineering Fracture Mechanics2019. 220, 106645.

28)Chen, P., Chen, S., Peng, J., Gao, F., Liu, H. The interface behavior of a thin film bonded imperfectly to a finite thickness gradient substrate.Engineering Fracture Mechanics2019. 106529.

29)Chen, P., Guo, W., Zhao, Y., Li, E., Yang, Y., Liu, H. Numerical analysis of the strength and interfacial properties of adhesive joints with graded adherends.International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2019. 90, 88-96.

30)Chen, P., Chen, S., Guo, W., Gao, F. The interface behavior of a thin piezoelectric film bonded to a graded substrate.Mechanics of Materials2018. 127, 26-38.(SCI)

31)Chen, P., Lv, S., Li, Y., Peng, J., Wu, C., Yang, Y. A nanoscale rolling actuator system driven by strain gradient fields.Computational Materials Science2018. 154, 380-392.

32)Chen, P., Peng, J., Liu, H., Gao, F., Guo, W. The electromechanical behavior of a piezoelectric actuator bonded to a graded substrate including an adhesive layer.Mechanics of Materials2018. 123, 77-87.

33)Chen P.J., Peng J., Yu L., Yang Y. The interfacial analysis of a film bonded to a finite thickness graded substrate.International Journal of Solids and Structures2017. 120, 57-66.

34)Chen P.J.,Chen S.H., Peng J. Interface behavior of a thin-film bonded to a graded layer coated elastic half-plane.International Journal of Mechanical Sciences2016.115–116, 489-500.

35)Li, Y.,Chen, P.*, Liu, H., Peng, J., Gao, F., Luo, N. Wrinkling and failure behavior of single-layer MoS2 sheets under in-plane shear.Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics2019. 21, 19115-19125.

36)Gao, F., Guo, W.,Chen, P.*, Cai, C., Peng, G. Numerical Analysis on the Wrinkling Instability of a Stiff Film Adheres to an Elastic Substrate with a Graded Coating.International Journal of Applied Mechanics2019. 11, 1950015.

37)Li, Y.,Chen, P.*, Zhang, C., Peng, J., Gao, F., Liu, H. Molecular dynamics simulation on the buckling of single-layer MoS2 sheet with defects under uniaxial compression.Computational Materials Science2019. 162, 116-123.(SCI)

38)Peng, J., Wang, Z.,Chen, P.*, Gao, F., Chen, Z., Yang, Y. Surface contact behavior of an arbitrarily oriented graded substrate with a spatially varying friction coefficient.International Journal of Mechanical Sciences2019. 151, 410-423.

39)Liu, J., Liu, H.,Chen, P., Hao, J., Microstructural characterization and corrosion behaviour of AlCoCrFeNiTix high-entropy alloy coatings fabricated by laser cladding.Surface and Coatings Technology2019. 361, 63-74.(SCI)

40)Yang, Y., Gao, F., Cai, C.,Chen, P.,A Novel Polyaxial Strength Criterion for Rock Materials Under General Stress Condition.International Journal of Applied Mechanics2018. 10, 1850082.

41)Chen P.J., Chen S.H., Yao, Y. Nonslipping contact between a mismatch film and a finite-thickness graded substrate.Journal of Applied Mechanics–Transactions of the ASME2016.83(2), 021007.

42)Chen P.J.,Chen S.H., Peng J.Sliding contact between a cylindrical punch and a graded half-plane with an arbitrary gradient direction.Journal of Applied Mechanics–Transactions of the ASME2015.82(4), 041008.

43)Chen P.J., Chen S.H., Peng J. Frictional contact of a rigid punch on an arbitrarily oriented gradient half-plane.Acta Mechanica2015. 226(12), 4207-4221.

44)Chen P.J.,Chen S.H., Thermo-mechanical contact behavior of a finite graded layer under a sliding punch with heat generation,International Journal of Solids and Structures2013.50(7-8), 1108-1119.

45)Chen P.J., Chen S.H., Partial slip contact between a rigid punch with an arbitrary tip-shape and an elastic graded solid with finite thickness,Mechanics of Materials2013. 59, 24-35.

46)Yao Y., Chen S.H.,Chen P.J.The effect of a graded interphase on the mechanism of stress transfer in a fiber-reinforced composite.Mechanics of Materials2013. 58, 35-54.

47)Chen P.J., Chen S.H.Contact behavior of a homogeneous half-space coated with a gradient layer.Acta Mechanica2012. 223(3), 563–577.

48)Chen P.J., Chen S.H., Peng, Z.L. Thermo-contact mechanics of a rigid cylindrical punch contacting a functionally graded layer.Acta Mechanica2012. 223(12), 2647-2665.

49)陈培见,陈少华,一类功能梯度材料表面接触力学研究进展,力学进展. 2014.201401.

















中国矿业大学足球盘口分析软件 教学成果奖(二等奖,2020年)



