个 人简 历

毕业院校:Kyushu University(日本)
(1)2011.10 - 2014.09:日本Kyushu University地球资源系统工程 博士 (导师:松井纪久男 教授)
(2)2008.07 - 2011.10:中国矿业大学 采矿工程 硕博连读 (导师:窦林名教授)
(3)2004.09 - 2008.07:中国矿业大学 采矿工程 学士 (导师:张吉雄教授)
(1)2019.01 -现在:中国矿业大学 深部岩土力学与地下工程国家重点实验室 副研究员 岩土工程硕导
(2)2019.06 – 2020.03:日本産業技術総合研究所(AIST)特聘研究员(短期)
(3)2018.10 -2019.06:日本九州大学 地球资源系统工程 博士后
(4)2017.10 - 2020.11:中国矿业大学 矿业工程学院 博士后
(5)2014.11 - 2018.12:中国矿业大学 深部岩土力学与地下工程国家重点实验室 助理研究员 岩土工程硕导
(1)Chen Yanlong,Zhang Mingwei*, Wu Haoshuai, Zhang Kai, Qian Deyu. Improving the Positioning Accuracy of Acoustic Emission Events by Optimizing the Sensor Deployment and First Arrival Signal Picking. IEEE ACCESS, 2020, 8: 71160-71172.
(2)Meng Qingbin,Zhang Mingwei*, Zhang, Zhizheng, Han, Lijun, Pu, Hai. Research on non-linear characteristics of rock energy evolution under uniaxial cyclic loading and unloading conditions. ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES, 2019, 78(23).
(3)Lai Goh Thian, Kit Lok Kah, Hussin Azimah, Serasa Ailie Sofyiana, Rafek Abdul Ghani, Ern Lee Khai, Mohamed Tuan Rusli, Lei Shao, Chen Yanlong,Zhang Mingwei. Integrated Cave Stability Assessment: A Case Study at Naga Mas Cave, Mount Pua, Kinta Valley, Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia. SAINS MALAYSIANA, 2019, 48(11): 2493-2501.
(4)Meng Qingbin, Chen Yanlong,Zhang Mingwei, Han Lijun, Pu Hai, Liu Jiangfeng. On the Kaiser Effect of Rock under Cyclic Loading and Unloading Conditions: Insights from Acoustic Emission Monitoring. ENERGIES, 2019, 12(17).
(5)Qingbin Meng,Mingwei Zhang*, Lijun Han, Hai Pu, Yanlong Chen, Experimental Research on the Influence of Loading Rate on the Mechanical Properties of Limestone in a High-Temperature State, Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2018, 1-14
(6)Mingwei Zhang*, Shengdong Liu, Hideki Shimada.Regional Hazard Prediction of Rock Bursts Using Microseismic Energy Attenuation Tomography in Deep Mining. Natural Hazards, 2018, 93(3): 1359-1378. (SCI)
(7)Qingbin Meng,Mingwei Zhang*, Zhizhen Zhang, Lijun Han, Hai Pu. Experimental Research on Rock Energy Evolution under Uniaxial Cyclic Loading and Unloading Compression. Geotechnical Testing Journal, 2018, 41(4). (SCI)
(8)Razib Ainul Mardhiyah Mohd, Lai Goh Thian, Mazlan Nur Amanina, Ghani Muhammad Fahmi Abdul, Mohamed Tuan Rusli Tuan, Rafek Abdul Ghani, Serasa Ailie Sofyiana, Chen Yanlong,Zhang Mingwei. A Systematic Approach of Rock Slope Stability Assessment: A Case Study at Gunung Kandu, Gopeng, Perak, Malaysia. SAINS MALAYSIANA, 2018, 47(7): 1413-1421.
(9)Qingbin Meng,Mingwei Zhang*, Lijun Han, Hai Pu, Yanlong Chen, Acoustic Emission Characteristics of Red Sandstone Specimens Under Uniaxial Cyclic Loading and Unloading Compression, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2018, 51(4): 969-988
(10)Mingwei Zhang*, Shengdong Liu, Shuzhao Chen, Yanlong Chen, Guang Xu, Deyu Qian.Focus Energy Determination of Mining Microseisms Using Residual Seismic Wave Attenuation in Deep Coal Mining. Shock and Vibration, 2018. (SCI)
(11)Mingwei Zhang*, Qingbin Meng, Shengdong Liu, Deyu Qian, Nong Zhang. Impacts of Cyclic Loading and Unloading Rates on Acoustic Emission Evolution and Felicity Effect of Instable Rock Mass. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2018. (SCI)
(12)Yanlong Chen, Bangyong Yu, Kai Zhang,Mingwei Zhang, Guang Xu, Zhanqing Chen.Permeability Evolution and Particle Size Distribution of Saturated Crushed Sandstone under Compression. Geofluids, 2018. (SCI)
(13)Deyu Qian, Nong Zhang,Mingwei Zhang, Hideki Shimada, Peng Cao, Yanlong Chen, Kai Wen, Sen Yang, Nianchao Zhang.Application and Evaluation of Ground Surface Pre-Grouting Reinforcement for 800-m-deep Underground Opening Through Large Fault Zones. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2017, 10:285. (SCI)
(14)Mingwei Zhang*, Qingbin Meng, Shengdong Liu. Energy Evolution Characteristics and Distribution Laws of Rock Materials under Triaxial Cyclic Loading and Unloading Compression. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2017. (SCI)
(15)Mingwei Zhang*, Qingbin Meng, Shengdong Liu, Hideki Shimada. A Synthetic Solution for Identification and Extraction of the Effective Microseismic Wave Component Using Decomposition on Time, Frequency, and Wavelet Coefficient Domains. Shock and Vibration, 2017. (SCI)
(16)Jianbo Wu, Enyuan Wang, Xuekun Ren,Mingwei Zhang. Size Effect of Concrete Specimens on the Acoustic Emission Characteristics under Uniaxial Compression Conditions. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2017. (SCI)
(17)Qingbin Meng,Mingwei Zhang*, Lijun Han, Hai Pu, Taoyi Nie, Effects of Acoustic Emission and Energy Evolution of Rock Specimens Under the Uniaxial Cyclic Loading and Unloading Compression, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2016, 49(10): 3873-3886
(18)Qingbin Meng,Mingwei Zhang*, Lijun Han, Hai Pu, Hao Li. Effects of size and strain rate on the mechanical behaviors of rock specimens under uniaxial compression. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2016, 9(8), 527. (SCI)
(19)Mingwei Zhang*, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Kikuo Matsui, Linming Dou. Evolution and effect of the stress concentration and rock failure in the deep multi-seam coal mining, Environmental Earth Sciences, 2014, 72(3): 629-643.(SCI)
(20)Mingwei Zhang*, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Kikuo Matsui, Linming Dou. Seismic energy distribution and hazard assessment in underground coal mines using statistical energy analysis, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2013, 64, 192-200.(SCI)
(21)Mingwei Zhang*, Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Kikuo Matsui. Comparison of optimal basis function for the underground microseismic wave processing in wavelet packet transform, Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University, 2013, 73(3), 71-85.(EI)
(22)Mingwei Zhang*, Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Kikuo Matsui. Lateral stress concentration in localized interlayer rock stratum and the impact on deep multi-seam coal mining, International Journal of Geosciences, 2013, 4(9): 1248-1255.
(1)Mingwei Zhang, Shengdong Liu, Deyu Qian, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka. Determination of Microseismic Focus Energy using Residual Seismic Wave Attenuation in Deep Rock Stratum, Proceedings of 14th International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology, December 8-9, 2016, Fukuoka, Japan.
(2)Mingwei Zhang, Shengdong Liu, Yanlong Chen, Hideki Shimada. Precise Identification and Extraction of Effective Microseismic Wave Components: A Case Study on the Tri-domain Decomposition Analysis, Proceedings of 13th International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology, December 3-5, 2015, Fukuoka, Japan.
(3)Mingwei Zhang, Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Kikuo Matsui. Mechanism of localized stress concentration in interlayer rock mass and its impact on deep multi-seam mining, Proceedings of 11th International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology, December 3-5, 2013, Fukuoka, Japan.
(4)Mingwei Zhang, Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Kikuo Matsui. Numerical quantitative analysis on the effect of deep protective mining induced by coal thickness and rock properties, Proceedings of 10th International Symposium on Novel Carbon Resource Sciences, December 2, 2013, Fukuoka, Japan
(5)Mingwei Zhang, Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Kikuo Matsui. Optimal wavelet packet basis for remote blasting vibration wave propagating in deep underground country rock, Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Rock Dynamics and Applications, June 6-8, 2013, Lausanne, Switzerland. (EI).
(6)Mingwei Zhang, Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Kikuo Matsui. De-noising processing and feature analysis of remote blasting waves based on the discrete wavelet transform, Proceedings of 13th Japan Symposium on Rock Mechanics & 6th Japan Korea Joint Symposium, January 9-11, 2013, Okinawa, Japan.
(7)Mingwei Zhang, Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Kikuo Matsui. Study on the dynamic failure mechanism in underground protective mining by infinitesimal units, Proceedings of 9th International Symposium on Novel Carbon Resource Sciences, November 2-3, 2012, Fukuoka, Japan.
(8)Mingwei Zhang, Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Kikuo Matsui. Application of Discrete Wavelet Transform in De-noising Processing of Remote Blasting Waves, Proceedings of 10th International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology, September 18-19, 2012, Bandung, Indonesia.
(9)Mingwei Zhang, Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Kikuo Matsui, Linming Dou. Discussion to new parameters used for mines’ risk classification, Proceedings of 8th International Symposium on Novel Carbon Resource Sciences, December 15-16, 2011, Nagpur, India.
(10)Mingwei Zhang, Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Kikuo Matsui, Linming Dou. A new method to evaluate the risk of rock burst in deep underground mines, Proceedings of 9th International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology, December 6-7, 2011, Fukuoka, Japan.
(1)尹力,袁国涛,邵泽龙,张明伟,刘盛东.采煤机智能化煤岩识别关键技术与应用.冶金管理, 2020, (19): 15-17.
(2)郑海坤,张明伟,曹小为,袁国涛,菅冰玉.基于冲击回波法的大埋深桥梁桩基长度检测,无损检测. 2019, 41(10): 21-26.
(3)陈彦龙,吴豪帅,张明伟,吴宇,张后全,张桂民.煤层厚度与层间岩性对上保护层开采效果的影响研究.采矿与安全工程学报. 2016, 33(04): 579-584.
(4)吕长国,窦林名,徐长厚,张明伟,郑有雷.上解放层开采解放作用机理数值模拟研究.煤矿开采. 2011, 16(02): 12-15+82.
(5)徐学锋,窦林名,曹安业,江衡,张明伟,陆振裕.覆岩结构对冲击矿压的影响及其微震监测,采矿与安全工程学报. 2011, 28(01): 11-15.
(6)李志华,窦林名,陆菜平,曹安业,张明伟,何江.断层冲击相似模拟微震信号频谱分析,山东科技大学学报(自然科学版). 2010, 29(04): 51-56.
(7)卢新伟,窦林名,王国瑞,徐学峰,张明伟.巨厚火成岩下矿震分布特征分析,煤炭工程. 2010, (07): 54-57.
(8)张明伟,窦林名,王占成,曹安业,徐学峰.深井巷道过断层群期间微震规律分析,煤炭科学技术. 2010, 38(05): 9-12+16.
(9)郑玉友,王占成,赵厚春,窦林名,张明伟.冲击矿压综合防治技术在星村深井的应用.煤矿现代化. 2010, (02): 44-45.
(10)张明伟,窦林名,王占成,郑玉友.深井SOS微震监测系统建设与应用,煤矿开采. 2010, 15(02): 16-20.
(11)江衡,窦林名,屈昀,杜涛涛,贺虎,张明伟.综放工作面开采过程的矿震规律研究,煤矿开采. 2010, 15(01): 11-14.
(12)牟宗龙,窦林名,倪兴华,张明伟.顶板岩层对冲击矿压的影响规律研究,中国矿业大学学报. 2010, 39(01): 40-44.
(13)郑玉友,王占成,路军,窦林名,张明伟.深井冲击地压综合防治技术的应用,煤炭科技. 2009, (04): 77-79+81.
(5)中国博士后科学基金国际交流计划派出项目,20180059,Dissipation and attenuation mechanism of microseismic energy in deep coal and rock mass and application to regional prediction of dynamic disasters,2018/10-2020/10,60万,结题,主持
(1)张明伟,刘盛东,于庆,陈彦龙. Application of microseismic focus energy on assessment of rock burst in underground coal mine,中国矿业大学出版社. 240千字,2017.11
(2)于庆,张明伟,陈彦龙,陶祥令. Failure characteristics of shaft lining in Eastern Chinese coal mines and its treatment through the application of an underground continuous impervious curtain,中国矿业大学出版社. 200千字,2017.10
(3)陈彦龙,张凯,张桂民,于庆,张明伟. Extraction systems of remaining coal around end-wall slope at open pit coal mines,中国矿业大学出版社. 200千字,2017.09
(3)2018.10 - 2020.09:China Postdoctoral Council Fund (CPC)获得者
(4)2011.10 - 2014.09:China State Scholarship Fund (CSC)获得者