朱启银,中共党员,河南商丘人,博士(后),副研究员,硕士生导师,主要从事土的本构关系、地下工程等方面的研究与教学工作。2008年毕业于重庆大学土木工程专业(建筑工程方向),同年保送上海交通大学船舶海洋与建筑工程学院岩土工程专业直接攻读博士学位,2014年9月获得法国南特中央理工大学和上海交通大学双博士学位(导师夏小和教授、尹振宇教授)。目前,作为负责人主持国家自然科学面上项目、青年基金、中国博士后科学基金、中国矿业大学青年科技基金、企业委托项目等10余项,在Canadian Geotechnical Journal、Acta Geotechnica,Computers and Geotechnics,Geotechnique Letters,Marine Georesources & Geotechnology,Geomechanics and Engineering,《岩土工程学报》,《岩土力学》等国内外学术期刊上发表论文20余篇,授权发明专利10余项。
担任国家自然科学基金委、教育部学位与足球盘口分析软件 发展中心评估评审专家;中国公路学会隧道工程分会理事;江苏省土木建筑学会地基基础专委会委员;曾获中国施工企业管理协会工程建设科学技术进步一等奖、中国煤炭工业协会科学技术三等奖、广东省第九届优秀工程检测与监测项目创新奖。
[1] Kuang, Lian-Fei,Zhu Qi-Yin*, Zhu Guan-Yu, Shang.Xiang-Yu, A 1D thermomechanical model for saturated clay and its optimisation-based parameter identification, European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 2022, 26(14): 7192-7208.
[2] Kuang, Lianfei,Zhu Qiyin*, Shang Xiangyu, Zhao Xiaodong. Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Nanoscale Elastic Properties of Hydrated Na-, Cs-, and Ca-Montmorillonite, Applied Sciences, 2022, 12: 678.
[3] Yang, Lei, Wu Ze-xiang, Yu Chuang,Zhu Qi-yin. DEM simulation of cyclic thermal consolidation tests considering the effects of relative density and temperature magnitude, Powder Technology. 2022, 397:117007.
[4] Shang, Xiang-Yu, Zhao Kang, Qian Wan-Xiong,Zhu Qi-Yin, Zhou Guo-Qing. On the Calculation of Van der Waals Force between Clay Particles, Minerals, 2020, 10: 993.
[5] Tao, Xiang-Ling, Su Yun-He,Zhu Qi-Yin*, Wang Wen-Long. Pasternak Model-Based Tunnel Segment Uplift Model of Subway Shield Tunnel during Construction, Advances in Civil Engineering, 2021, 8587602.
[6]Zhu, Qi-Yin, Pei-Zhi Zhuang, Zhen-Yu Yin, and Hai-Sui Yu. A State Parameter-Based Thermomechanical Constitutive Model for Fine-Grained Saturated Soils. Canadian Geotechnical Journal. 2021, 58: 1045-1058
[7]Zhu, Qi-Yin, Tian-yu Zhao, and Pei-zhi Zhuang. Thermal Strain Response of Saturated Clays in 1D Condition. Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A, 2021, 22(3): 182-187.
[8] Mo, Pin-Qiang, Dan-Yang Ma,Qi-Yin Zhu*, and Yu-Chen Hu. Interpretation of Heating and Cooling Data from Thermal Cone Penetration Test Using a 1d Numerical Model and a Pso Algorithm. Computers and Geotechnics, 2021: 103908.
[9]Zhu, Qi-Yin, Yin-Fu Jin*, Zhen-Yu Yin. Modeling of Embankment beneath Marine Deposited Soft Sensitive Clays Considering Straightforward Creep Degradation. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, 2020, 38(5): 553-569.
[10]Zhu Qi-Yin, Jin Yin-fu*, Shang Xiang-yu, Chen Tu. A 1D model considering the combined effect of strain-rate and temperature for soft soil. Geomechanics and Engineering. 2019, 18(2): 133-140.
[11]Qi-Yin Zhu*, P. Qi. Numerical Modeling of Thermal-Dependent Creep Behavior of Soft Clays under One-Dimensional Condition. Advances in Civil Engineering. 2018, 9827673: 11.
[12] Zhen-Yu Yin,Qi-YinZhu*, Dong-Mei Zhang. Comparison of two creep degradation modeling approaches for soft structured soils. Acta Geotechnica, 2017, 12(6): 1395-1413.
[13]Qi-Yin Zhu, Zhen-Yu Yin, Dong-Mei Zhang, Hong-Wei Huang, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering. 2017, 21(5): 1668-1678.
[14]Qi-Yin ZHU, Zhen-Yu YIN, Pierre-Yves HICHER and Shui-Long SHEN. Non-linearity of one-dimensional creep characteristics of soft clays. Acta Geotechnica. 2016, 11(4): 887-900.
[15]Qi-Yin ZHU, Zhen-Yu YIN, Chang-Jie XU, Jian-Hua YIN and Xiao-He XIA. Uniqueness of rate-dependency, creep and stress relaxation behaviours for soft clays. Journal of Central South University, 2015, 22(1): 296-302.
[16] Zhen-Yu YIN,Qi-Yin ZHU, Jian-Hua YIN and Qing NI. Stress relaxation coefficient and formulation for soft soils. Geotechnique Letters, 2014, 4: 45-51.
[17]Qi-Yin ZHU, Ze-Xiang WU, Yan-Ling LI, Jian-Hua WANG, Chang-Jie XU and Xiao-He XIA. A modified creep index and its application to viscoplastic model for soft clays. Journal of Zhejiang University A, 2014, 15(4): 272-281.
[18]Qi-Yin ZHU, Yin-Fu JIN, Zhen-Yu YIN and Pierre-Yves HICHER. Influence of natural deposition plane orientation on oedometric consolidation behavior of three typical clays from southeast coast of China. Journal of Zhejiang University A, 2013, 14(11): 767-777.
[1]朱启银,尹振宇,朱俊高,王建华,夏小和,软黏土加载速率效应特性试验研究:进展与趋势,岩土力学,2014,35(1):7 ~ 24.
[2]朱启银,尹振宇,王建华,夏小和,考虑结构状态扰动的天然黏土一维压缩模型,土木建筑与环境工程,2011,34(3):28 ~ 33.
[3]尹振宇,朱启银,朱俊高,软黏土蠕变特性试验研究:回顾与发展,岩土力学,2013,34(S2):1 ~ 17.