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担任国际地下空间联合研究中心城市地质与地下空间工作组ACUUS-GEO主席、中国岩石力学与工程学会深地空间探测与开发分会理事长、Deep Underground Science & Engineering副主编、国际地下空间杂志TUSTEnergy Engineering等编委;国家自然科学基金委、国家重点研发计划、国家科技合作专项等评审专家组成员、中国地调局咨询专家、江苏省自然资源专家咨询委员会委员等。应邀担任瑞士联邦理工EPFL、新加坡南洋理工大学NTU客座教授、中科院武汉岩土所特聘研究员、中国地质科学院深部中心地下空间首席专家。





[1]Li XiaoZhao, Zhang PeiXing, He ZhiCheng, Huang Zhen, Cheng Menglin, Guo Liang.Identification of geological structure which induced heavy water and mud inrush in tunnel excavation: A case study on Lingjiao tunnel.Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2017, 69: 203-208.

[2]Li XiaoZhao,Li Congcong, Parriaux Aurèle, Li HuanQing, Xu Hui, Gu Yu. Multiple resources and their sustainable development in Urban Underground Space.Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2016, 55:59-66.

[3]Li XiaoZhao, Xu Hui, Li Congcong, Sun Liping, Wang Rui, Wu Fangdong. Study on the demand and driving factors of urban underground space use.Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2016, 55:52-58.

[4]Li, X.-Z., Zhao, X.-B., Wang Z.S. The Changes of Ecological Conditions Induced by Rock Tunnelling in Laoshan Mountainous Area.Frontiers of Architecture and Civil Engineering in China,2008,2(4)366-370.

[5]Li, X.-Z., Hua, A.-Z., Prediction and prevention of sandstone-gas outburst.Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci., 2006, 43(1):2-18.

[6]Xiaozhao LI, Hui Xu,LiPing Su,Jing Che. Demand and driving factors of urban underground space development: quantitative and comparative study.Proceeding of the 14thWorldConference of Associated Research Centers for the Urban Undergound Space,Seoul, 2014. 480-486. (ISTP)

[7]Li X. Z.,CaoL.,Xiao L., Zhao X.B.Assessment of potential impact of tunneling on the groundwater in Epi-Fissure-Karst-Zone and ecological environment.Environmental Earth Sciences, 2012, 66(3):967-976.

[8]Xiaozhao Li, LiangCao, Zhiyong Xiong, Rong Yang, Juan Ma. Experimental and Quantitative Study on Micro-structure of Soft Soil in Suzhou. In: L.Laloui and A.Ferrari (Eds.): Multiphysical Testing of Soils and Shales,Springer Series in Geomechanics and Geoengineering, Lausanne, 2012, 207-212.

[9]Xiaozhao LI, Wenbo WU, Liang CAO, Huanqing LI, Zhongxing ZHANG. Evaluation of Geo-environmental Suitability for the Development of Underground Space in Suzhou.Proceedings of the ACUSS 2012 conference.Published by Research Publishing. Singapore, 2012, 332-340.

[10]Li X. Z., CaoL.,Xiao L., ZhaoG. F.The Experimental Study of the Soil Thermal Conductivity Based on the Analysis of Actual Internal Fabric.Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 261-263: 1826-1830.

[11]Li, X.Z., Ji, C.L.et al.Determination method of rock mass hydraulic conductivity tensor based on back-analysis of fracture transmissivity and fracture network model.Proc. of 9thInternational conference on Analysis of Discontinuous Defromation,Singapore, 2009.

[12]Li, X.-Z., Zhao, X.-B. The impact of rock tunneling on groundwater in Epi-Fracture-Karst- Zone and the ecological conditions.Proc. of 4th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, Singapore, 2006.

[13]Li, X.Z., Luo, G.Y., Liu, Y.D., Zhang, D., Yan, S.B., Geological and geotechnical investigation in a metro project.Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2004, 19 (3/4).EI

[14]Peng Zhao,Xiaozhao Li, Jiajun Liu, Donghai Zhang, Hengjun Qiao, Monitoring and analysis of the subway tunnel wall temperature and surrounding rock/soil heat absorption ratio,Building and Environment. 2021, 194:107657.

[15]Peng Zhao,Xiaozhao Li, Ye Zhang, Kai Liu, Minghao Lu, Stratified thermal response test measurement and analysis,Energy and Buildings. 2020, 215:109865.

[16]Peng Zhao,Xiaozhao Li, Donghai Zhang, Wentao Xu, Jiajun Liu, Wei Wu, Longchuan Deng, A simplified method to determine the comprehensive heat transfer quantity in subway tunnels,Energy and Buildings. 2021, 247:111090.

[17]Peng Zhao,Xiaozhao Li, Wei Zhang, Zhiyong Xiong, Wentao Xu, Jialing Dai, Longchuan Deng, System dynamics: A new approach for the evaluation of urban underground resource integrated development,Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. 2022, 119: 104213.

[18]Zhiyong Xiong,Xiaozhao Li, Peng Zhao, Donghai Zhang, Shengshi Dong, An in-situ experimental investigate of thermo-mechanical behavior of a large diameter over length energy pile,Energy and Buildings. 2021, 252:111474.

[19]Yun Wu,Xiaozhao Li,Zhen Huang,Sen Xue,Effect of temperature on physical, mechanical and acoustic emission properties of Beishan granite, Gansu Province, China,Natural Hazards, 2021 , 107(2): 1577-1592.

[20]Yun Wu,Xiaozhao Li,Zhen Huang,Yingchao Wang,Longchuan Deng,Effect of thermal damage on tensile strength and microstructure of granite: a case study of Beishan, China,Geomechanics and Geophysics for GeoEnergy and GeoResources, 2021, 7(3): 82.

[21]Yun Wu,Shuyun Zhu,Xiaozhao Li,Hui Zhang,Zhen Huang,Distribution characteristics of the additional vertical stress on a shaft wall in thick and deep alluvium: a simulation analysis,Natural Hazards, 2019, 96(1): 353-368.

[22]L.C. Deng,X. Z. Li*, W. T. Xu, L. Qiao, P. Zhao. Integrated monitoring of lithology parameters while drilling in small-scale coring platform. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering,2022,11:7269-7288.

[23]Wentao Xu,Yangsong Zhang,Xiaozhao Li,Xinyong Wang,Fei Ma,Jiabin Zhao,Yue Zhang,Ex traction and statistics of discontinuity orientation and trace length from typical fractured rock mass: A case study of the Xinchang underground research laboratory site, China,Engineering Geology, 2020, 269: 105553.

[24]Zhen Huang,Xiaozhao Li,Shijie Li,Kui Zhao,Rui Zhang,Investigation of the hydraulic properties of deep fractured rocks around underground excavations using high-pressure injection tests,Engineering Geology, 2018, 245: 180-191.

[25]Guo L.,Li X., Zhou Y., Zhang Y.,Generation and verification of three-dimensional network of fractured rock mass stochastic discontinuities based on digitalization.Environment Earth Sciences,2015,73:7075–7088.

[26]Li HuanQing, Li XiaoZhao, Parriaux Aurèle, Thalmann Philippe.An integrated planning concept for the emerging underground urbanism: Deep City Method Part 2 case study for resource supply and project valuation.Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2013,38(6): 569–580.

[27]Li Huanqing,Li Xiaozhao, Soh Chee Kiong. An integrated strategy for sustainable development of the urban underground: From strategic, economic and societal aspects.Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2016, 55:67-82.

[28]Liang CAO,Xiaozhao LI, L.Tacher, Rong Yang. Three-Dimensional Geological Modeling Based on Division of Engineering Geological Strata Units .Advanced Science Letters, 2012, 5(2):510-514. (SCI)

[29]Yangsong Zhang,Xiaozhao LI, Jin Fan. Estimation of peak strength of jointed rock massed using GSI system.Proceedings of the ACUSS 2012 conference. Published by Research Publishing. Singapore, 2012, 325-331.

[30]Guo L.,Li X., Zhou Y. et al., 2014.Simulation and validation of stochastic three-dimensional discontinuities network based on digitalization.Proceedings of 2014 ISRM International Symposium-8th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, Sapporo, Japan, 2038-2047.

[31]Hu, Z.-H.,Li, X.-Z.*, Xiao Lin, Wu Wei. Numerical analysis of factors affecting the range of heat transfer in earth surrounding three subways.J. China Univ. Mining & Technol., 2008, 18(1):67-71.

[32]Zhang,Y.S.,Li, X.-Z., Hua Finite Element Analysis of the Stability of Tunnel Surrounding Rock with Weak Rock Layer[J].Modern Applied Science. 2009, 3(12): 22-27.

[33]Zhang,Y.S.,Li, X.-Z., Strength-reduction Finite Element Analysis for Stability of Surrounding Rock Mass with Primary Shotcrete and Rock Bolts.Science Technology and Engineering,2008, 8(24):6513-6519.

[34]Liang Cao,Xiaozhao LI*, Wenbo WU, Yang YANG, Huanqing LI. Geological modeling research of Suzhou City based on the identification of urban underground resources.Proceedings of the International Conference on Remote Sensing, Environment and Transportation Engineering, Nanjing, 2011:3171-3174.

[35]Shengshi Dong,Xiaozhao Li,Anh Minh Tang, Jean Michel Pereira, Van Tri Nguyen, Ping Che, Zhiyong Xiong.Thermo-mechanical behavior of energy diaphragm wall: Physical and numerical modelling.Applied Thermal Engineering. 2019,146:243-251.

[36]Dankun Zhou,Xiaozhao Li,et al.GIS-based urban underground space resources evaluation toward three-dimensional land planning a case study in Nantong, China.Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology,2019, 84:1-10.

[37]HuiXu,Li X.Z., Jing Che. Study on The Influencing Factors of Urban Underground Space Development at different Stages of Urbanization.Proceeding of the 14thWorld Conference of ACUUS. 2014, 492-497.

[38]Zhen Huang, Xiaozhao Li*, Shijie Li, Kui Zhao, Rui Zhang. Investigation of the hydraulic properties of deep fractured rocks around underground excavations using high-pressure injection tests.Engineering Geology, 2018, 245: 180-191.

[39]Zhang P,Li X, Huang Z, et al. Influence of fault zone on the respect distance and margin for excavation: a case study of the F4 fault in the Jijicao rock block, China[J].Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2018: 1-17.

[40]Luo, G.Y., Yan, C.H.,Li, X.Z., Jiang, J.P.,Exploration of Water Resources and Multiple Model for Water Resource Development in Karst Areas with the Theory of Preferred Plane in Karst Areas.ACTA GEOLOGICA SINICA,2003,77(1): 129-135.

[41]Li H.Q., Parriaux A.Li X.Z.The Way to Plan a Viable "Deep City": from Economic and Institutional Aspects.Proceedings of the Joint HKIE-HKIP Conference on Planning and Development of Underground Space.Hong Kong, 2011, 53-60.

[42]L.Cao, W.B. liu,X.Z. Li, X.B.Zhao and H. Zhang. Micro Mechanics study of granular soil based on the confined compression tests. Geomechanics and Geotechnics: From Micro to Macro. Taylor & Francis Group, London, 2012, 421-426.

[43]Wenbai Liu, Liang Cao,Xiaozhao Li, Yexun Li, Peng Wang.Experimental Study of Silty Clay's Deformation Fields Based on the Principles of Oedometer Tests.Advanced Materials Research,2011, 261-263: 1539-1543.

[44]L. CAO, H.Q. LI,X.Z. LI *, R. YANG, W. WU, Y.Y. ZHOU. Analysis on Geological and Economical Factors of Beijing Underground Space Exploration and Development.Journal of Grado,2011(2):98-101

[45]Bian X, Cui Y J,Li X Z. Voids effect on the swelling behaviour of compacted bentonite[J].Géotechnique, 2018: 1-13.

[46]Bian X, Cui Y J, Zeng L,Li X Z.et al. Swelling behavior of compacted bentonite with the presence of rock fracture[J].Engineering Geology, 2019.25-33.

[47]X.B. Zhao, X.H. Yao, Q.M. Gong, H.S. Ma,X.Z. Li. Comparison study on rock crack pattern under a single normal and inclined disc cutter by linear cutting experiments.Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology,2015,50:479–489.

[48]Bian, X.; Zeng, L.; Deng, Y.;Li, X. The Role of Superabsorbent Polymer on Strength and Microstructure Development in Cemented Dredged Clay with High Water Content. Polymers 2018, 10, 1069.

[49]Huan-Qing Li, Aurèle Parriaux, Philippe Thalmann,Xiao-Zhao Li. An integrated planning concept for the emerging underground urbanism: Deep City Method Part 1 concept, process and application.Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2013, 38(6):559–568.(SCIEI)

[50]Zheng Tan, Adam C. Roberts, George I. Christopoulos, Kian-Woon Kwok, Josip Car,XiaoZhao Li, Chee-Kiong Soh. Working in underground spaces: Architectural parameters, perceptions and thermal comfort measurements.Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2018, 71: 428–439.

[51]Kai Wang, Xiancai Lu, Meng Chen, Yemu Ma, Kuiyuan Liu, Lianqi Liu,Xiaozhao Li and Wenxuan Hu. Numericalmodelling of the hydrocarbon generation of Tertiary source rocks intruded by doleritic sills in the Zhanhua depression,Bohai Bay Basin,China.Basin Research,2011, 23:1–14.

[52]Donghai Zhang, Peng Zhao,Xiaozhao Li, et al. Heat transfer analysis of a borehole heat exchanger array in a layered subsurface, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2022, 216, 119076.

[53]Peng Zhao,Xiaozhao Li, Wei Zhang, et al. System dynamics: A new approach for the evaluation of urban underground resource integrated development, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology[J]. 2022, 119:104213.

[54]Liu ZX, Wu Y,Li XZ, Huang Z, Lin J, Pan XH. Effects of thermal treatment on the macroscopic physical properties and microstructure of Beishan fine-grained granite[J]. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2022, 81:190.

[55]Peng Zhao,Xiaozhao Li, Lihua Hu, et al. A Finite Element Model for Investigating Unsteady-State Temperature Distribution and Thermomechanical Behavior of Underground Energy Piles, APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, 2022, 12:8401.

[56]Wentao Xu, Yangsong Zhang,Xiaozhao Li,Xiyong Wang, Richeng Liu, Peng Zhao, Yue Zhang, Jialin Dai. Comprehensive demarcation of statistical homogeneous domains of fractured rock masses for candidate HLW repository site of China, Engineering Geology, 2021,2:106279.

[57]Peng Zhao, Donghai Zhang,Xiaozhao Li, et al. Dynamic numerical investigation of the long-term performance of a GSHP system considering groundwater seepage and layered subsurface coupling conditions, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2023,222:119944.

[58]Lihua Hu, Liyuan Yu, Minghe Ju,Xiaozhao Li, Chun'an Tang,Effects of intermediate stress on deep rock strainbursts under true triaxial stresses, Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering,2022.

[59]Lihua Hu, Jianguo Wang,Ali Karrech,Xiaozhao Li,Peng Zhao,Lulu Liu,Exploring the frontiers of deep underground sciences andengineering—China Yunlong Lake Laboratory is striving to be the best,Deep Underground Science and Engineering,2022, 2:1–7.

