田文岭,男,山东菏泽人。博士(后)、副教授。2019年12月获中国矿业大学岩土工程专业博士学位,荣获江苏省土木工程专业优秀毕业生(博士)、江苏省高等学校土木工程学科吕志涛院士优秀博士论文及2021年江苏省高等学校科学技术研究成果奖(3/5),2018年受国家留学基金委资助在美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学开展博士联合培养,主要从事深部岩石力学与地下工程方面的教学与研究工作。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目以及中央高校基本科研业务费专项等项目,参与国家自然科学基金重点项目、国家重点研发计划“战略性矿产资源开发利用”重点专项和江苏省杰出青年基金等项目。在Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering、岩石力学与工程学报等期刊上发表SCI或EI收录论文60余篇(第一作者18篇),文章总被引次数2659次,其中一篇入选地球科学领域ESI前1%高被引论文,2024年度影响力榜单(美国斯坦福大学全球前2%科学家(中国大陆)榜单)排名第355名。出版专著1本,授权发明专利8项,其中国际PCT专利两项。国际岩石力学与工程学会会员,中国岩石力学与工程学会会员,IJRMMS、RMRE、EG、岩土工程学报等国内外期刊审稿人。
(1)国家自然科学基金面上基金项目(42477161), 47万元,主持
(2)国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(42107159), 30万元,主持
(3)中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目(2021QN1025), 6万元,主持
(4)国家重点研发计划“战略性矿产资源开发利用”重点专项(2022YFC2905700), 800万元,参与
(1)中国矿业大学人才引进资助项目, 20万元,主持
[1]Tian W L, Yang S Q, Huang Y H, et al. Mechanical behavior of granite with different grain sizes after high temperature treatment by particle flow simulation [J].Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering,2020, 53(3):1791-1807.(JCR一区,IF= 6.518,中科院1区)
[2]Tian W L, Yang S Q, Wang J G, et al. Numerical simulation of permeability evolution in granite after thermal treatment[J].Computers and Geotechnics,2020, 126:103705.(JCR一区,IF= 5.218,中科院1区)
[3]Tian W L, Yang S Q, Derek E, et al. Permeability evolution and crack characteristics in granite under treatment at high temperature[J].International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences,2020, 134: 104461.(JCR一区,IF= 6.849,中科院1区)
[4]Tian W L, Yang S Q, Wang J G, et al. Failure behavior of the thermal treated granite under triaxial cyclic loading–unloading compression [J].Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources,2021 (JCR一区,IF=5.00,中科院2区)
[5]Tian W L, Yang S Q, Huang Y H, et al. Fracture behavior of granite specimen containing a single fissure under uniaxial compression by grain-based model 3D[J].Acta Mechanica Sinica,2022, 38(9): 421510.(JCR一区,IF=2.91,中科院2区)
[6]Tian W L, Yang S Q, Dong JP, et al. An experimental study on triaxial failure mechanical behavior of jointed specimens with different JRC[J].Geomechanics and Engineering,2022, 28(2): 181-195.(JCR二区,IF=3.201,中科院3区)
[7]Tian W L, Yang S Q, Yin P F, et al. Influence of different cooling treatments on the mechanical properties of granite under Brazilian splitting test by grain-based model 3D[J].International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics, 2024, 48(4): 1046-1059.(JCR二区,IF=3.8,中科院2区)
[8]Tian W L, Yang S Q. Experimental and numerical study on the fracture coalescence behavior of rock-like materials containing two non-coplanar filled fissures under uniaxial compression [J].Geomechanics & Engineering, 2017, 12(3): 541-560.(JCR二区,IF= 3.201,中科院3区)
[9]Tian W L, Yang S Q, Huang Y H. Macro and micro mechanics behavior of granite after heat treatment by cluster model in particle flow code [J].Acta Mechanica Sinica,2018, 34(1): 175-186.(JCR二区,IF=2.91,中科院2区)
[10]Tian W L, Yang S Q, Xie L X, Wang Z L. Cracking behavior of three types granite with different grain size containing two non-coplanar fissures under uniaxial compression.Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering,2018, 18: 1580-1596.(JCR一区,IF=4.042,中科院2区)
[11]Yang S Q,Tian W L, Huang Y H. Failure mechanical behavior of pre-holed granite specimens after elevated temperature treatment by particle flow code[J].Geothermics,2018, 72: 124-137. (JCR一区,IF=4.566,ESI高被引论文,中科院2区)
[12]Yang S Q,Tian W L, Derek Elsworth, Wang J G, Fan L F. Effect of high temperature on the permeability evolution and failure response of granite under triaxial compression [J].Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering,2020, 54(10):4403-4427 (JCR一区,IF=6.518,中科院1区)
[13]Yang S Q,Tian W L, Huang Y H, et al. An experimental and numerical study on cracking behavior of brittle sandstone containing two non-coplanar fissures under uniaxial compression [J].Rock Mechanics & Rock Engineering,2016, 49(4):1497-1515.(JCR一区,IF=6.518,中科院1区)
[14]Yang S Q,Tian W L, Ranjith P G. Experimental Investigation on Deformation Failure Characteristics of Crystalline Marble Under Triaxial Cyclic Loading[J].Rock Mechanics & Rock Engineering,2017, 50: 2871-2889.(JCR一区,IF=6.518,中科院1区)
[15]Yang S Q,Tian W L, Jing H W, et al. Deformation and Damage Failure Behavior of Mudstone Specimens Under Single-Stage and Multi-stage Triaxial Compression[J].Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering,2019, 52: 673-689.(JCR一区,IF=6.518,中科院1区)
[16]Yang S Q,Tian W L, Huang Y H, et al. Experimental and discrete element modeling on cracking behavior of sandstone containing a single oval flaw under uniaxial compression.Engineering Fracture Mechanics,2018, 194: 154-174.(JCR一区,IF=4.898,中科院2区)
[17]Yang S Q,Tian W L, Ranjith P G. Failure Mechanical Behavior of Australian Strathbogie Granite at High Temperatures: Insights from Particle Flow Modeling [J].Energies,2017, 10(6): 756.(JCR三区,IF=3.252,中科院4区)
[18]Xu J,Tian W L, Bu Y S, et al. Experimental study on mechanical properties and microscopic mechanisms of layered sandstone after high temperature water cooling[J].Frontiers in earth science, 2024, 12:1394855(JCR三区,IF=2.4,中科院3区)
[19]田文岭,杨圣奇,黄彦华,等.花岗岩高温高压损伤破裂细观机制模拟研究[J].岩石力学与工程学报, 2022, 41(09):1810-1819.
[20]杨圣奇,田文岭,董晋鹏.高温后两种晶粒花岗岩破坏力学特性试验研究[J].岩土工程学报, 2021, 43(02):281-289. (EI收录)
[21]田文岭,杨圣奇,黄彦华.卸围压下砂岩力学特性及细观机制颗粒流分析[J].岩土力学, 2016, 37(S2): 775-782. (EI收录)
[22]田文岭,杨圣奇,黄彦华.非共面闭合裂隙巴西圆盘试验与颗粒流模拟研究[J].中国矿业大学学报, 2017, 46(03): 537-545. (EI收录)
[23]田文岭,杨圣奇,方刚.煤样三轴循环加卸载力学特征颗粒流模拟[J].煤炭学报, 2016, 41(03): 603-610. (EI收录)
[24]田文岭,杨圣奇,黄彦华.不同围压下共面双裂隙脆性砂岩裂纹演化特性颗粒流模拟研究[J].采矿与安全工程学报, 2017, 34(6): 1207-1215. (EI收录)
[25]杨圣奇,田文岭,鞠杨.煤样剪切变形及裂纹演化特征离散元模拟研究[J].中国矿业大学学报, 2016, 45(6): 1148-1155. (EI收录)
[26]田文岭,杨圣奇,殷鹏飞.张开与充填四裂隙脆性砂岩强度和贯通模式研究[J].应用基础与工程科学学报, 2018, 26(5): 1005-1015. (EI收录)
[1]杨圣奇,田文岭,殷鹏飞,刘相如,温森. Deformation measurement device and method of conventional triaxial compression test of cuboid rock sample[P].美国, US11085860 B2
[2]杨圣奇,田文岭,殷鹏飞,刘相如. Sealing pressing head for conventional triaxial test of cubold rocks with pre-existing fissures, and test method[P].澳大利亚, AU2018357027
[3]杨圣奇,田文岭,殷鹏飞,刘相如,温森.一种含预制裂隙长方体岩石常规三轴试验的密封压头及试验方法[P].专利号: ZL 2017 0 992379.2
[4]杨圣奇,田文岭,殷鹏飞,刘相如.一种长方体岩石试样常规三轴压缩试验的变形测量装置及方法[P].专利号: ZL 2017 0 991210.5
[5]谢理想,田文岭,杨圣奇,顾金才,陶焱,张鹏超,李旭.一种护壁装置及孔壁压力测试方法[P].专利号: ZL 2017 1 1000749.6